The newest addition to the Legacy family is a historic Spanish Revival Style home! The 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home will essentially be completed from the ground up while preserving the Spanish Style of: simple lines, textured walls, creamy white exteriors, mission references, Terra-cotta tile roof accents, and dramatic yet graceful arcades. An entirely new truss and girder foundation system has been added to give this unique property new life. This properly contributes to the home’s Spanish Colonial architectural style, thus adding to the region’s innate character. Legacy is at the forefront of including smart-home features into all of its projects and will feature both Nest Thermostats and Nest Smoke Detectors. Old world charm and very efficient turn of the century modern amenities come together in this Spanish Colonial Revival!
The intricacies of these incredible devices can be seen in greater detail if you click on the pictures and highlighted link above.
Within the coming week, Legacy’s Team will further focus on a theme to accentuate the particular location and history of this unique home. Enjoy the pictures below and stay tuned during the progress of this Spanish Revival Style home!

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